The promise is perpetual life in the paradise of God.
The earthly paradise in Eden was only a token paradise compared to the true paradise where God dwells. Eden will have to be replanted and cultivated again to return to its former glory.
The "paradise of God" exists in full glory and is ready to receive all the "overcomers" of this age.

Second death will have no power over the overcoming church. They will not be on trial or in danger of judgment. Their trial will have been successfully completed. They shall then be rewarded with immortality, to have life within themselves even as Jesus has been given life within himself.

The "hidden manna" was incorruptible. The natural food, which we all eat, is perishable and corruptible. If we do not eat it within a certain number of days it must be thrown out. The "hidden manna" is forever. Those who eat it will have everlasting life.
The "white stone" carries with it two thoughts. First, it is the seal of the holy Spirit in our hearts forever. They would split a white stone in half and this would become a symbol of friendship. When these two stones were fitted to each other it would identify that the two stones were really one and the bearer of this stone was united with the other bearer of the broken stone. This, then, is more than a promise of life. Rather, it is a guarantee that the "overcomer" will have a special relationship to the One on the throne.
Also, the "overcomer" will receive a "new name."Probably a pet name, peculiarly fitted to each overcomer, but one which will show God’s affection.

Additionally, they will receive the "morning star." Would you like the bright and morning star? We know that Jesus is that "bright and morning star." Revelation 22:16 He is not yours for the asking. Rather, he is yours for "overcoming." What wonderful promises the "Spirit" gives.
Many followers of Christ have grabbed for power over the nations throughout the age. They have engaged in unholy wars, killing and scheming and plotting to gain power over the nations, to no avail.
God has promised this position to the "overcomers." When they receive that power they will not do as the churches have done, that is, cozy up to the civil governments to live deliciously with them. No, they shall "dash the nations to pieces like a potter's vessel."

The overcomers will no longer need the robe of Christ’s righteousness. They shall be clothed with their "house from heaven" and possess inherent righteousness.
The "overcomers" will have the unspeakable joy of having Jesus confess them before his Father and before his angels. Only a celebrity could be treated with such distinction. That is certainly the red carpet treatment.
While we are on this side of the veil, our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life on a probationary basis. This means our name could be blotted out. Once in grace not always in grace. Normally, a blotter dries the ink, but Jesus’ blotter will wipe our name out of the "book of life" if we do not "overcome."

Here the "overcomer" is promised a vital place in the true temple of God, the Christ of God. A pillar cannot be removed while the structure exists.
They will also receive the name of Jesus’ God written indelibly upon them. Also, the name of the city of Jesus’ God, the New Jerusalem. They will also receive Jesus’ new name written upon them, the name of the glorified Christ.

Just as Jesus had to overcome before he sat down with His Father in His throne, so the saints must overcome before they can sit down with Jesus in His throne.
A place in the throne of God and of the Lamb is just too great to comprehend. We live with such limitations while we are overcoming, but then power and glory and honor will be ours. Oh, not to surfeit ourselves with, but to use to glorify our Father in Heaven.
So the "seven Spirits" of God first originate with God "before the throne." They are then given to Jesus, as though a "Lamb slain" to send forth with "horns" of power and "eyes" of wisdom into the world. As the call to become partakers of the divine nature goes forth with exceeding great and precious promises, the saints are gathered throughout the seven stages of the church. As these come into Christ they are then in line to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Finally, the "overcomers" of the Gospel age are rewarded with these seven promises fulfilled. The elders who were foreordained become, at last, the ordained and living members of the Christ of God. The plan of God reaches its grand fulfillment when the "overcomers" receive these unspeakable promises.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."
This is repeated seven times. These seven promises of God and Christ are the "seven Spirits of God." It is like a huge magnet drawing the "overcomers" to their final destiny of glory and honor and immortality. As Peter declares,
"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the Divine Nature." 2 Peter 1:4
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